ChatGPT in the pulpit: Australian conference hears about AI’s possibilities – and limitations

Sydney, Australia Pastors should not feel afraid of artificial intelligence but be ready to think about its impacts, according to Rev Alison Gerber, keynote speaker at a conference examining AI and its impacts in Sydney this week. “I really want pastors not to feel afraid about AI but feel equipped to be able to think […]
Essay: Some Baptists debate about women preaching, others listen to women preach

Baptist minister BRIAN KAYLOR says, in an article first published on Religion News Service, that focusing almost entirely on the SBC not only minimizes the theological (and political and racial) diversity of Baptists, but it also privileges a patriarchal body over others…
In the US, Progressive National Baptists to deploy $US1 million grant to boost ‘compelling preaching’

United States RNS The Progressive National Baptist Convention plans to use a new $US1 million grant to fund a five-year training program for ministers of the historically Black denomination as they adapt their preaching in an age changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is one of 32 recipients in an invitational round of grants provided […]
The Interview: US preacher Will Willimon on what makes a good sermon

YONAT SHIMRON, of Religion News Service, interviews Will Willimon, described in a Baylor University survey as one of the most effective preachers in the English-speaking world and the subject of a new documentary, about his approach to preaching and what makes a good sermon…
Sermon preparation: Why some preachers rely on holy ghostwriters and other pulpit helps

“Cheating” or much-needed help for busy pastors? BOB SMIETANA, of Religion News Service, explores the use by some churches of sermon ghost writers…
Black Americans attend church and pray more often – survey

New York, US AP Black Americans attend church more regularly than Americans overall, and pray more often. Most attend churches that are predominantly Black, yet many would like those congregations to become racially diverse. There is broad respect for Black churches’ historical role in seeking racial equality, coupled with a widespread perception they have lost […]
Churches and coronavirus: Masks keep churches from being superspreaders. But they make sermons tough

BOB SMIETANA, of Religion News Service, reports on how US preachers are coping with masks, church closures, online services and social distancing measures…
Books: Beyond the pulpit – when relaying the Gospel narrative is every Christian’s privilege

JO KADLECEK reviews Tim Keller’s 2015 book on preaching in a culture of sceptism…
New website hopes to make sermons a vital part of life

RNS Every week, millions of American go to houses of worship to hear a message from a spiritual leader. Most of those congregations are small. And few sermons ever make their way beyond the four walls of a given congregation. Publisher David Murray – a connoisseur of the spoken word – wants to change that […]
Sight-Seeing: 14 life lessons from mission trips

Brisbane-based pastor MATT PRATER reflects on lessons he’s learnt while going on short-term “mission trips” and how they apply to everyday life…