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Liberal Christian group files ethics complaint against US Attorney General Barr

William Barr1

RNS Faithful America, a Christian advocacy group that often champions liberal causes, has filed an ethics complaint against US Attorney General William Barr, claiming he violated his oath to defend religious liberty for all Americans in a recent speech at Notre Dame University’s law school. The complaint, filed last week with the Justice Department’s Office […]

Essay: Cultivate common ground regarding faith in public life

Melissa Rogers

In an excerpt from her new book, ‘Faith in Public Life’, MELISSA ROGERS, former executive director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and now a visiting professor at Wake Forest University, underlines the important role decisions about faith in public life play in determining the country’s future…

Coalition of 850 religious leaders backs lawsuit against DHS surveillance of pastor

Rev Kaji Dousa

RNS Earlier this month, Manhattan pastor Kaji Douša filed a federal lawsuit accusing US officials of violating her religious liberty by detaining and surveilling her over her ministry to migrants at the border. Now, more than 850 ordained clergy from around North America have formed an interfaith coalition in support of Dousa, senior pastor of […]