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Southern Baptist leaders to weigh in as turmoil over race theory grows

Southern Baptists JD Great racial reconciliation

RNS New Orleans pastor Fred Luter, the only Black person to have served as president of the predominantly white Southern Baptist Convention, has added his name to a statement on justice and repentance released Friday. The Justice, Repentance, and the SBC statement comes as Black Baptists and others continue to object to the rejection of “critical race theory”, […]

US court rules Washington DC church can hold outdoor services for now

Washington DC Capitol Hill Baptist Church

RNS A district court has temporarily granted a request from a Washington, DC, Southern Baptist church to gather for outdoor worship services that violate the city’s rules for public gatherings. Capitol Hill Baptist Church argued that the District of Columbia’s COVID-19 restrictions had violated its constitutional rights and was causing “irreparable harm” to its congregation. […]