Open Book: II Thessalonians – signing off…

BRUCE C WEARNE finishes his look at II Thessalonians…
Open Book: II Thessalonians – Avoid those walking “out of step”

BRUCE C WEARNE reflects on Paul’s advice to the church in Thessalonica to “keep their distance” from the distractions of outsiders…
Open Book: II Thessalonians – When all will be revealed

BRUCE C WEARNE looks at what II Thessalonians 2 says about the “mystery of lawlessness”…
Open Book: II Thessalonians – Hold fast!

BRUCE C WEARNE, in his series on II Thessalonians, looks at a passage at the start of chapter II about keeping our eyes on the truth…
Open Book: I Thessalonians – Time to get serious

BRUCE C WEARNE continues his look at the book of I Thessalonians…
Open Book: I Thessalonians – Revealing Paul’s heart

BRUCE C WEARNE looks at a passage in I Thessalonians in which Paul expresses his worries and solidarity for the church in Thessalonica…
Open Book: I Thessalonians – giving thanks for the brethren

BRUCE C WEARNE looks at a passage in which Paul gives thanks for the church at Thessalonica…
Open Book: The Gospel spreads through Macedonia – part 1

Before kicking off a new series looking at the book of I and II Thessalonians, BRUCE C WEARNE, in the first of a two part article, sets the scene with a look back at what Acts says about Paul’s visit to Thessalonica…
Open Book – Hints from the Spirit of Holiness: Beroea

BRUCE C WEARNE looks at what Acts reports about the outcomes of Paul and Silas’ continued travels to spread the Gospel in Macedonia and Greece…
Open Book – Hints from the Spirit of Holiness: The Gospel spreads through Macedonia

BRUCE C WEARNE, in his look at the book of Acts, examines how, in chapter 17, Paul took the the Gospel into Macedonia – and the sharp reaction it received in Thessalonica…