This Life: Meant to run your own race
US columnist CAROL ROUND, in an article first published on ASSIST News Service, looks at the importance of perseverance…
Open Book: Paul’s second letter to Timothy – The Lord stood by me
In the final of his series looking at I and II Timothy, BRUCE C WEARNE examines Paul’s concluding words to his “young associate” Timothy…
Open Book: Paul’s second letter to Timothy – Learning the Biblical ABCs
BRUCE C WEARNE continues his look at II Timothy with Paul urging Timothy to remember what he has been taught followed by his “solemn commission” to the young follower of Christ…
Open Book: Paul’s second letter to Timothy – Avoid creepy types
BRUCE C WEARNE looks at what instructions Paul gives Timothy about avoiding those who stand “irrevocably opposed to the truth”…
Open Book: Paul’s second letter to Timothy – Single-minded wisdom
BRUCE C WEARNE, in his walk throughh of II Timothy, looks at what Paul says to Timothy about what to seek in his life – and what to avoid…
Open Book: Paul’s second letter to Timothy – Disciplined, hopeful integrity
BRUCE C WEARNE continues his look at how, in II Timothy, Paul encourages Timothy despite “afflictions, hardship, sorrow and distractions”…
Open Book: Paul’s second letter to Timothy – Trusting the trustworthy one
BRUCE C WEARNE continues his examination of II Timothy with a look at what the writer of the letter says about trusting in God…
Open Book: Paul’s second letter to Timothy – Fan into flame God’s gift
BRUCE C WEARNE continues his study of II Timothy with a look at some words encouragement for Timothy…
Open Book: Paul’s second letter to Timothy – Greeting
BRUCE C WEARNE kicks off his look at I Timothy with a study of the opening lines of greeting…
Open Book: Paul’s first letter to Timothy – Fighting the good fight
BRUCE C WEARNE looks at the closing passages of Paul’s first letter to Timothy…