Helpdesk: Seven ways to avoid becoming a misinformation superspreader when the news is shocking
H COLLEEN SINCLAIR, associate research professor of social psychology at Louisiana State University, provides some tips on how to avoid becoming part of the problem in these fraught times…
In today’s world, I get the attraction of a cult. A group that you can belong to that has an alternative set of beliefs, often reminiscent of an older, simpler time. Opting out? PICTURE: FrankHH/Shutterstock If you join a cult, you’re now part of an exclusive community that has a truth that allows you to […]
This Life: Allowing grace to abound when you don’t feel good enough
CHARISSA CHEONG reflects on the amazing truth that the “Word became flesh”…
The Interview: Martin Luther King Jr scholar Lewis V Baldwin
ADELLE M BANKS, of Religion News Service, speaks with Lewis V Baldwin, emeritus professor of religious studies at Vanderbilt University, about his recent book, ‘The Arc of Truth: The Thinking of Martin Luther King Jr’…
The journey
Many great stories place the main character on a journey of discovery. PICTURE: Khamkéo Vilaysing/Unsplash. They have to discover a truth that will change them. But first there is the lie they already believe that is holding them back. How will they discover the truth? Will they reject the lie? Really powerful stuff. But I’m talking about your story. […]
Sight-Seeing: Truth, justice and the torturing of tolerance
KAREN SWALLOW PRIOR, in an article published on Religion News Service, reflects on her experiences around the idea of tolerance…
Sight-Seeing: What does it mean to stand up for truth today?
NILS VON KALM says, for Christians, truth is a person, not a concept…
Essay: Reconciliation needs truth
Sojourners founder JIM WALLIS, writing in the US context, says it’s time for time for an American version of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission…
Study reveals half of US Protestant pastors say they’re hearing conspiracy theories in their churches
RNS They’re not just on friends’ and family members’ Facebook pages or weird corners of the internet. About half of all Protestant pastors in the United States say they’re hearing conspiracy theories in their churches, according to a study released Tuesday by LifeWay Research. PICTURE: Tom Carnegie/Unsplash/Creative Commons The study found 49 per cent of […]
Essay: What is truth?
Sight columnist TIM COSTELLO reflects on the nature of truth – and conspiracy theories…