Wow!: Australian scientists help the homeless beat heatwaves with mobile cooling hubs

CORDELIA HSU, of Reuters, reports…
New sensory garden brings therapeutic opportunities for Australian foster care families

Sydney, Australia It takes a village to build a garden, especially the kind of garden that helps children adjust to big changes. Lucky for the children and families of Anglicare’s Foster Care program in Sydney, that village created one of the only sensory gardens of its kind in Australia. Specifically designed for those involved in […]
How do koalas drink? Not the way you might think

Washington DC, US Reuters Scientists have solved a lingering mystery about koala behavior – how these tree-dwelling marsupials native to Australia consume enough water to live. A new study describes koala drinking behavior in the wild for the first time, finding that they lick water running down the smooth surface of tree trunks during rainfall […]
Asia’s love of stinky durian could help power tuk-tuks and phones

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Thomson Reuters Foundation Pungent, spiky durian – a fruit banned in many public places in Asia due to its foul smell – has been used by scientists to store electricity, and could one day help power electric vehicles and mobile phones across the region. University of Sydney researchers took the non-edible waste […]