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Rev Alvin Herring, head of US group Faith in Action, to retire

Rev Alvin Herring.

Washington DC, US RNS Rev Alvin Herring announced on Tuesday that he will step down next year as head of the US congregation-based organising network Faith in Action, leaving the group he has helmed for five years. “I think this is a good moment to step aside and give younger leaders a chance to lead, […]

Essay: Whose vote counts? Whose doesn’t?

US Milwaukee voting rights mural

In an article first published on Religion News Service, BRIDGET MOIX, general secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation in the US, says the push for voting rights is a moral imperative and requires the urgent passage of nationwide voting rights legislation…

‘Poor People’s Campaign’ eyes low-income voters in 13 US states

Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USAP A coalition of religious leaders inspired by Rev Martin Luther King, Jr’s, last organising effort said Tuesday new data suggest low-income voters in key states could swing some US Senate races.  The Poor People’s Campaign said it’s using the data to pressure candidates from both parties to focus on poverty […]