Essay: With Bibles and flash grenades, Trump walks the Christian nationalist walk

In an article first published on Religion News Service, ANDREW WHITEHEAD, co-author of ‘Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States’, looks at the idea of Christian nationalism against the backdrop of events in Washington this week…
Trump tries religious gestures to hike support amid protests

Washington DC, US AP Cloaking himself in religion for the second day in a row, President Donald Trump sought on Tuesday to seize the moral authority to justify his hard line against demonstrators protesting the killing of another black man in police custody and at the same time mobilise his religious conservative base. President Donald […]
DC Episcopal bishop – “I am outraged” by Trump church visit

AP The Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington sharply criticised President Donald Trump on Monday for staging a visit to the historic St John’s Church across from the White House, where he held up a Bible after authorities had cleared the area of peaceful protesters. Rev Mariann Budde, whose diocese St John’s belongs to, […]