Vaccine mandates: Many US faith leaders wary of religious exemptions for vaccine

DAVID CRARY and PETER SMITH, of Associated Press, report on how Christian leaders and those of other faiths are responding to vaccine exemption requests…
Updated: Explainer – Ottawa’s anti-vaccine mandate protests

Updated: 8am, 11th February, 2022 (AEDT) Winnipeg, Canada Reuters Horn-blaring demonstrations demanding an end to Canadian COVID-19 vaccine mandates for cross-border truck drivers have caused gridlock in the capital Ottawa since late January. The protests are now spilling to key Canada-United States border crossings and disrupting trade. The mayor of Windsor, Ontario, where protesters have […]
Essay: Americans support a high bar for religious exemptions to vaccines

In an essay first published on Religion News Service, ROBERT P JONES, CEO of Public Religion Research Institute, and EBOO PATEL, founder of Interfaith Youth Core, look at the result of a recent poll addressing US attitudes towards the vexed issue of religious exemptions…
US Catholic military Archbishop defends those who refuse vaccines

Washington DC, US RNS The prelate who oversees Catholics in the US military issued a statement Tuesday supporting service members who have refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19 on religious grounds. Archbishop Timothy P Broglio, head of the Archdiocese for Military Services in the US, was responding to the recent mandate from Pentagon officials requiring […]
Vatican City enforces mandates for vaccines, COVID-19 test

Vatican City RNS Starting on 1st October, people wishing to enter Vatican City will have to provide proof they have received the vaccine, recovered from COVID-19 or tested negative for the virus within 72 hours. To enter Vatican City, people will have to present a Green Pass, the certification used in Italy to avoid the […]
In the US, many faith leaders say no to endorsing vaccine exemptions

AP As significant numbers of Americans seek religious exemptions from COVID-19 vaccine mandates, many faith leaders are saying: Not with our endorsement. Leaders of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America said Thursday that while some people may have medical reasons for not receiving the vaccine, “there is no exemption in the Orthodox Church for Her faithful from any […]