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Holocaust memorial chairman thanks Pope for opening archives

Vatican Pope Francis weekly audience 8 Jun 2022

Vatican City AP The chairman of Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial said he thanked Pope Francis on Thursday for giving scholars access to the Holy See’s World War II-era archives. Dani Dayan, who met with Francis at the Vatican, said the pontiff described the archives’ opening as “an issue of justice.” Francis visited the memorial during […]

Church “not afraid of history’: Pope Francis to open secret Pius XII archives

Pope Francis Weekly Audience

Vatican City Reuters Saying the “church is not afraid of history”, Pope Francis announced on Monday he plans to open fully the Vatican’s secret archives on the wartime pontificate of Pope Pius XII, a historic move that Jews have sought for decades. Many Jews say Pius, who reigned from 1939 to 1958, did not do enough to help those […]