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A new Billy Graham archive opens on the late evangelist’s birthday

US Charlotte Billy Graham Archive and Research Center1

United States RNS In the twilight of his 99 years, Rev Billy Graham met with Duke Divinity School historian Grant Wacker, who was writing a biography of the famous evangelist. Graham leaned over at one point and, according to Wacker, asked the him, “’Do you think the archives at Wheaton are well run?’” I said, ‘Yeah. They […]

Essay: Seven ways a national COVID-19 day of mourning can help us heal

US Missouri COVID 19 commemoration

JAMIE ATEN and KENT ANNAN, of the Humanitarian Diasster Institute at Wheaton College in the US, writing against the backdrop of the first anniversary of the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, look at the importance of publicly marking the anniversaries of disasters and tragedies…

Wheaton College chaplain fired over allegations of ‘racial and sexual’ comments

Blanchard Hall Wheaton College

Chicago, US RNS Wheaton College has fired its chaplain over allegations of “inappropriate comments and actions of a racial and sexual nature toward other staff. The flagship evangelical Christian college announced Rev Tim Blackmon’s dismissal on Friday, 3rd July, in an email to the campus community from Wheaton President Philip Ryken. Blanchard Hall at Wheaton […]

Ready to go back to church? 10 things to consider before heading to worship

Humanitarian Disaster Institute advice

RNS An evangelical research centre focused on disaster response has detailed key steps US churchgoers might take as they contemplate attending reopened churches. Wheaton College’s Humanitarian Disaster Institute in Illinois released a series of documents this week to augment the guidelines of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The institute previously created a website with coronavirus-related resources […]

In the US, Wheaton College rescinds title from Gilbert Bilezikian amid new allegations

Gilbert Bilezikian

Chicago, US RNS Wheaton College has rescinded the title of professor emeritus from Gilbert Bilezikian after an investigation into the longtime professor of New Testament turned up new allegations of “inappropriate and unprofessional conduct”. The school, one of the United States’ most prominent Christian colleges, reopened an investigation into the allegations last month. Dr Gilbert […]