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Essay: Management, not ministry, for Catholic women

PHYLLIS ZAGANO, in an article first published on Religion News Service, says while the Pope is acting on his desire to include women in administrative managerial positions in the church, he seems to have turned a deaf ear to calls for women in ministry…

The Southern Baptists are meeting in the US city of Indianapolis. Here’s why it matters.

Indianapolis, US RNS More than 11,000 Southern Baptist Church members, known as messengers, will gather in Indianapolis this week for one of the largest, and sometimes noisiest, religious meetings of the year. The Southern Baptist Convention’s annual gathering is part family reunion, part business meeting and part church service, mixing singing and sermons with business […]

Shifting views on women in ministry: Dr Mike Bird to speak about his changed perspective at Christians for Biblical Equality event in Sydney

Australia Dr Mike Bird

Sydney, Australia The role of women in the church has been contested for centuries. Both complementarian and egalitarian perspectives cite Scripture as the basis of their beliefs about whether women and men have equal ministry opportunities.  But what happens when a respected Bible scholar and theologian shifts in his position from one interpretation to the […]