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This Life: God doesn’t let go

SAMANTHA ELLEY reflects on her gratefulness for the many times that God has ensured she didn’t fall…

Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia

PICTURE: DragonImages/iStockphoto

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”  – Deuteronomy 31:8

A girlfriend and I recently decided to try rock-climbing, because, you know, that’s what 50-something women do on a weekend.

I got the idea from my older son who has been going every weekend with his friends.

“There have been many, many, many freefall moments where I have questioned what the heck is going on and even when I have doubted, He has been there to catch me.”

My friend is like my partner-in-crime, which I believe everyone should have, as we will suggest different activities and we are always up for a go.

So, rock-climbing it was.

There are two types of activities called bouldering and belaying.

Bouldering is where you climb, without a rope up and across various parts of the wall and if you fall, there is a very bouncy mat to greet you.

Belaying is where you can climb very high up a wall while attached to a rope.

At the rock-climbing gym we went to, there is a choice of an automatic rope or the one where a friend spots you and ensures you don’t fall.

We were trained in both.

I have to say, while I trust my friend implicitly, it was quite the challenge going up to dizzying heights and knowing, it was only her holding the rope the right way, that wasn’t causing me to fall at a literal back-breaking speed, if I let go.

My favourite was the automatic belay.

When my arms and legs could no longer find a foothold, I knew if I let go, there was one second of free fall then the rope would catch and bring me gently down to the ground.

You can probably see where I am going with this.

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In my 40-plus years as a Jesus follower, I don’t think I have ever been let go by God.

There have been many, many, many freefall moments where I have questioned what the heck is going on and even when I have doubted, He has been there to catch me.

This is where hindsight is an excellent tool to actually see what God is doing sometimes.

Many a situation I have been able to look back and know that He has never abandoned me.

I have no reason to fear as the rope is strong.

Brings a better understanding to that saying “Let go and let God”.


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