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This Life: Sharing our story

SAMANTHA ELLEY looks at the importance of being able to share the story of how Jesus changed our life…

Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia

Sharing your story. PICTURE: Jacob Wackerhausen/iStockphoto

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!” – II Corinthians 5:17

I am part of the committee in my church to help organise this year’s ladies retreat.

“Regardless of whether it was a slow awareness or a big thump of thunder that made us find our way to the cross, everyone has a story and it usually revolves around change.”

It is always a great weekend of friendship and fun, usually held at a conference site, either near the beach or where there is a pool.

Considering the retreat it is held in summer, being close to water is a must.

There is also usually lots and lots of chocolate, board games, coffee and wine available and we always come away feeling like we have gotten to know each other just that little more.

We usually have a theme and a speaker who provides some teaching along the same lines and this year is no different.

Although, rather than having a guest speaker, it will be a couple of our own church ladies doing the teaching and that includes – gulp- me.

The theme this year is “My story – God’s glory”.

The teaching parts of the weekend will be sharing how we can tell our own story, our testimony of how and why we became a Christian.

Regardless of whether it was a slow awareness or a big thump of thunder that made us find our way to the cross, everyone has a story and it usually revolves around change.

Part of my story includes a youth group at our local Anglican church when I was 14, where the youth pastor helped me understand what it means when we say ‘Jesus died for us’.

After I decided to follow the Christian path (I was brought up Catholic but had no interest in anything religious back then) my mother commented to me one day, that I had changed for the better.

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I wasn’t as disobedient or back-talking as much as I used to, as a typical teenager.

While that didn’t stop completely, I had a better attitude and my goal in life was to live a life that Jesus would be proud of.

Of course, I have had many slip ups and times where I needed to get on my knees and ask for forgiveness, but the underlying motivation is always to become more like Jesus.


More loving of others, more kind, more thankful in my everyday life, more joyful, more patient and more self-controlled when anger, hate or jealousy try to take over.

I’ve been a Christian for over 40 years now, longer than I haven’t, and yet I know there is still more change to come.


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